Sabtu, 20 September 2014

Change Default Folder Icon In Windows 7 and Windows 8

Change Default Folder Icon In Windows 7 and Windows 8 - The Surface Laptop isn't the most affordable but it's not outrageously expensive compared to rivals. Microsoft has done a great job of creating a well-made, thin and desirable laptop. We'd tweak the ports on offer and upgrade from Windows 10 S to Pro, but we can live with the niggles considering the specs and excellent battery life. immediately familiar to anyone, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Change Default Folder Icon In Windows 7 and Windows 8, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Hi Friends, In this post I tell you how can you change your default folder icons in Windows 7 and Windows 8. You see window os has a yellow folder icon on every folder. 
                             If you wanna make your computer awesome then change default folder icon first. If you see yellow color in every directory and every drive ,you get bored man. If you give your computer a new look, you never bored. So how can you choose best folder icon for your folder. In below steps you find your all answer.

How to Change the Color of Window 7 and Windows 8 Folder

change foldor icon

Steps to Change Folder Icon.

  • First You need to download from icons collection website like "Icon Archive" & "Icon Finder". These two website have largest collection of free icon sets.

change foldor icon

  • Then choose the folder and right click on that folder.
  • Click on properties button.
  • In right side, choose customize.
  • Below you see Change Icon Button Click on that.
  • Pop up open,browse the ico file in you download folder.
  • Choose your .con file and click on that apply.
  • You successfully changed your folder icon.

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