Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Turn your laptop into a wireless hotspot or access point with a double click.

Turn your laptop into a wireless hotspot or access point with a double click. - The Surface Laptop isn't the most affordable but it's not outrageously expensive compared to rivals. Microsoft has done a great job of creating a well-made, thin and desirable laptop. We'd tweak the ports on offer and upgrade from Windows 10 S to Pro, but we can live with the niggles considering the specs and excellent battery life. immediately familiar to anyone, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Turn your laptop into a wireless hotspot or access point with a double click., on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

All may feel lazy downloading softwares for making the laptop into a wireless access point or wireless hotpost.So here it comes the most valuable solution for all lazy ones :) and for every techies who wanna know something new.


  1. Please check your WiFi adapter in your laptop support Microsoft's Hosted Network Virtual Adapter by querying on Google with your Wifi card adapter name.
Steps to turn your laptop into a wireless hotspot or access point
  • Now extract the 7z file using Winrar or 7z archiver to a local directory.
  • Now open StartHotspot.bat with a notepad by Right Clicking the file and press Edit in Windows Explorer.
  • Scroll to the last part of the file and change ssid="www.hoezaay.blogspot.com" with ssid="<The name that appear on other Wifi devices>
  • Now change key="123456789" to key="<The password of the WiFi network you want to make it>".
  • Save the file.That's all.
  • Now just double click on the StartHotspot.bat and allow administrator privileges,you will get your WiFi network visible on other devices,searching for Wifi.
  • If you want to close the Access Point,just double click the StopHotspot.bat.
Hope you got this trick as valuable treasure for you.Any errors or queries feel free to use the comment box.

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