Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

My Resolution for 2015

My Resolution for 2015 - The Surface Laptop isn't the most affordable but it's not outrageously expensive compared to rivals. Microsoft has done a great job of creating a well-made, thin and desirable laptop. We'd tweak the ports on offer and upgrade from Windows 10 S to Pro, but we can live with the niggles considering the specs and excellent battery life. immediately familiar to anyone, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about My Resolution for 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

So, it's the last day of 2014 and I just remembered I still haven't told you all my resolution for the new year. I have decided that in 2015, I will reignite my passion for travel and put a new life into my travel articles.

This year I wrote on and off. I did go to a lot of places, but I was either too lazy or too tired or just did not have the time to write about my trips. I have planned to block some hours every week in my schedule to fit in exciting travel posts on my travel blog. I want to bring back my passion of travel writing and also do it on the go. I have always wanted to blog while I'm on the train or in a hotel, but I only managed that once this year. I can't blog in transit because I either find the internet too slow or the touchscreen of my cellphone too small and inconvenient.

They say it's easier to keep your resolution if you have a companion nudging you towards your goal. I've screened most of the people I know, and they just don't seem to fit the bill. So, I have turned my attention towards gadgets. And I just may have found my travel companion! :-) Any guesses? Well... here it is:-